Moin, I am Jonas

Researching & developing
Mixed Reality!

I am an Augmented & Mixed Reality Developer and Human-Computer Interaction researcher. My focus is primarily on Mixed Reality assistance, training, authoring tools, and usability evaluations. Beyond that, I am passionate about Open Source, Open Science and Open Educational Resources.

I published 26 scientific publications (Citations: 784, h-index: 10, i10-index: 10), was actively involved in the conceptual and technical development of several Augmented Reality Apps (Heb@AR App, FLUX Remote, Sonnensegel nach Mass AR) and worked on multiple Augmented Reality research projects. Furthermore, I published open-source projects in the subject areas of Augmented Reality and Usability evaluation (TrainAR, HebAR, SUS Analysis Toolkit, SUS Statistics Calculator, SUS PDF Generator).

Among others, I received the AVRiL Gold Award (2022), the nextReality “Interactive Education” Award (2022), and the COGAIN Best Paper Award (2018) for my work.

More information can be found here: